Vegetarian Panna Cotta Tart


Vegetarian Panna Cotta Tart

You have to love WordPress! There is a plug in for everything! I have just installed the EasyRecipe plugin and it will allow me to post recipes to this blog and have them become easily accessible to you for downloading into your favourite cooking app or print directly from the page. I use Paprika Recipe Manager and I love it. It runs on my mac, ipad, & android phone with syncing between them all. So I can manage my 600+ and growing collection of recipes.

Below you will find my first recipe that I am posting. This recipe is one that I adapted from a basic vanilla panna cotta but here I make it vegetarian using agar agar to set it in place of nasty gelatin. I also like to make this into a tart with brown butter graham wafer crumb crust and it is completely delicious. Using this basic recipe you can adapt this panna cotta to suit many flavours. This weekend I am going to make a rhubarb panna cotta and I will post that recipe as I create it.

Vanilla Panna Cotta Tart, Vegetarian (with agar agar)
Recipe Type: Dessert
Cuisine: Italian
Author: MomoK
This is a simple vanilla panna cotta but it uses agar agar not gelatin so it is vegetarian. This recipe can be easily adapted for other flavours. The agar agar ratio in panna cotta is .5 grams agar agar to 100 grams liquid. Use this to adapt any panna cotta.
  • Tart Shell:
  • 3 cups Graham Wafer Crumbs
  • 3/4 cup Butter, browned this will end in 1/2 cup butter once skimmed
  • 1/2 cup butter
  • Panna Cotta:
  • 600 grams Heavy Cream
  • 400 grams Whole Milk
  • 15 ml Vanilla Bean Paste or
  • 1 whole Vanilla Bean
  • 6 tablespoons Sugar
  • 5 grams Agar Agar
  1. Tart Shell:
  2. ) Preheat oven to 175c/350f
  3. ) Melt and brown butter. Skim off foam and measure 1/2 cup browned butter.
  4. ) Combine with the graham wafer crumbs and mix well.
  5. ) Press into a 9″ tart pan with removable bottom and bake for 10 minutes. Cool.
  6. Panna Cotta:
  7. ) Mix cream, milk, vanilla paste, and sugar. If you are using vanilla bean scrape out the seeds and add the seeds and pod to the milk. Remove the pod once cooking is done. bring to a boil, 80c/180f.
  8. ) Once cream/milk mixture is at temperature whisk in the agar agar and keep whisking for 8 minutes. Keep an eye on the temperature and do not let it go above 90c/194f. If it does hit 90c reduce temperature and keep it at the 80c mark.
  9. ) After 8 minutes of heating and whisking the cream/milk/agar agar remove from heat and let it cool so that it is warm. Poor into prepared tart shell and refrigerate. Agar Agar will set quickly once in the fridge so the panna cotta will be ready within a couple of hours.
  10. ) Once set you can serve with your selection of fresh fruit, fruit compote, whatever you would like that you think will work well. This is not an overly sweet panna cotta. My preference is to enjoy with cognac!



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