Leopard Print

Leopard Print of a kind

I am getting back to editing photos of my trip to Sri Lanka in March of this year (2022). I give you Leopard Print, of a kind. In this instance, it is a leopard’s paw print in the dirt of Yala, Sri Lanka.

On this day we were not having a lot of luck spotting a leopard. By this point we have had great luck so I have nothing to complain about but today doesn’t seem like our day. Our tracker and jeep driver Indika Nettigama of Ceylon Wild Safaris spots a sign. This print in the terrafirma of Yala is as close as we would get to this particular leopard.

After another couple of hours of tracking, we were rewarded with a magnificent sighting of a mother leopard and her two subadult cubs. It is getting harder to find leopards in Sri Lanka, which should be shocking to everyone reading this. Yala Sri Lanka is or was the place with the most leopards per square kilometre in the world. Your chances of spotting one would have been almost certain if you spent enough time. Now they report stretches of weeks where sightings are rare.



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