This is simply a stream of thought running out of my head on our current situation and lack of reach on social media. If I were Ryan Reynolds not only would I be drop dead sexy but Reliance wouldn’t dream of messing with me. Fight renovictions in Vancouvers affordable housing crisis.
We are working hard to further our petition and the pressure of a social media campaign to get Reliance Properties Vancouver to come to the table and honour an agreement we have with them. I have posted that agreement here before and again now. Our family and our friends have posted and shared so many times. Even friends of friends. But we are reaching the limit of what they can do. We need the larger community to HELP keep us in our homes at rent we can afford.
Reliance has broken the agreement
From the start and according to this Globe & Mail article they have plans to violate it in significant ways! Apparently they have planned since 2017 to charge us higher than market rates for the new building. They plan to charge us $200 more than everyone else moving into the new building. We have public offer sheets for units in 1188 Bidwell that clearly show offers to the general public for less rent on higher floors than what Reliance is trying to force us into.

This fight is taking me out to some strange places.
I am not Ryan Reynolds and I will never get the attention to this issue that he could. However what Reliance doesn’t seem to understand is that they are trying to kick me and my husband out of our home of 20 years. We have given them not only almost $300,000 but we gave it without delay or issue. They took our money but decided it wasn’t enough. So not we must fight to stay. I must fight! I must put myself out there and get all the attention to this situation I can.
You can help us. Please sign and share this petition then share again.
Help us get the attention to this issue that the Vancouver Housing Crisis deserves. Stand up and say that 20 years of loyal tenancy and hundreds of thousands paid in rent does not get met with a kick in the a$$ and a rude goodbye. Fight renovictions in Vancouvers affordable housing crisis
bchousing #vancouverhousing #affordablehousing #realestate #housing #housingcrisis #housingforall #housingjustice #affordablehousingcrisis #affordable #solution #rent #homes #crisis